


南華大學-國際長 林純純教授
靜宜大學-國際長 林沛澧教授
萬芳醫院-萬芳醫院 陳昱斌醫師



1. 馬拉威國會團契成員
(成員含該國跨黨派、跨族群、跨宗教與跨文化之62名國會議員,現任總統、副總統、國會議長及多名部長,之前皆是此一團體成員)。團契主席Hon. Justin Majawa,同時也是台灣國際幸福家庭聯盟顧問,全球國會和平、繁榮、團 結聯盟共同主席。

大英國協國會協會- Commonwealth Parliamentary Association,是一個由54個主權國家所組成的國際組織


馬拉威國會議員Justin Majawa及馬拉威大使,我是中華民國 全國家長會長聯盟 理事長 “潘品睿”,
成立馬台國會議員友好協會,並請台灣駐南非代表-賀忠義大使出席成立儀式,現眾多貴賓特地來参加。讓這場活動盛大又有議意。我相信讓兩個國家又更拉近了關係。我們也極力推動台灣品牌-餐桌文化五價值-T對話、A-接納、B-祝福、L-祝福、E-共融,促進全球「和平、繁榮、團結」,並邀請國會議員Majawa 參與發起之全球國會議員「和平、繁榮、團結」聯盟。

潘品睿 祝福馬拉威大使表及與會所有貴賓平安健康國運昌隆。

“Exchange Draft”
very happy to meet
Justin Majawa, Member of Parliament of Malawi and Ambassador of Malawi, I’m “Pan Pinrui”, the chairman of the National Association of Parent Chairpersons of the Republic of China,
Today I’m honored to join the Malawi State Representative in the National Legislative Council
Established the Ma-Taiwan Parliamentary Member Friendship Association, and invited Taiwan’s representative to South Africa-Ambassador He Zhongyi to attend the inauguration ceremony. Now many distinguished guests are here specially to participate. Make this event grand and controversial. I believe it has brought the two countries closer together. We also vigorously promote the five values ​​of Taiwanese brand-table culture-T dialogue, A-acceptance, B-blessing, L-blessing, E-community, and promote global “peace, prosperity, and unity”, and invite Congressman Majawa  to participate in the launch. The “Peace, Prosperity, and Unity” coalition of members of parliament worldwide.

“Pan Pinrui” wishes the Malawi ambassador and all the distinguished guests a safe, healthy and prosperous country.